EQUIMEC > Equine therapy > Treatment procedure
In order to be able to create an individual treatment plan for your horse, a diagnosis is necessary.
The following points are included for this purpose:
- Anamnesis sheet (medical and personal history of the horse)
- Gait analysis, if necessary gait analysis under the rider
- Profile analysis (incl. conformation assessment and check of dental condition)
- Palpation analysis (for heat, pain, muscle tension and/or blockages)
- Trigger point test
- Equipment check for abnormalities that may be caused by equipment
- Joint function test for mobility and pain
- Matrix rhythm therapy for tissue optimization
- Magna-Wave-High-performance magnetic field
- Acupuncture / Dry needling
- individuelle Therapie nach Befunderhebung (Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Dorn Therapy)
- Concluding discussion with the owner (therapy options for prevention, rehabilitation or gentle performance enhancement are discussed)
Your contribution to successful treatment:
You should allow about 2 hours for the initial examination.
A calm and relaxed environment and a firm surface facilitate the treatment.
Depending on the findings, follow-up treatment may be useful or even necessary.