EQUIMEC > Equine therapy > Indications
General abnomalities
- problems with the positioning on one or both sides
- lack of thoroughness and space grip
- problems with the load capacity of the hindquarters
- saddle compulsion
- resistance to rider aids, as well as humping or climbing
- tact error, unclear lameness (clarification by the veterinarian in advance), frequent tripping
- persistent stiffness
- behavioral problems, behaviour change, head shaking
- chronic colic
- sudden loss of performance or concentration
- imbalances in growth
- slanting of the head and tail
Diseases / injuries
- arthritis, tendinitis ,navicular syndrom, laminitis
- edema or chronic phlegmon
- pain sensitivity on cleaning, asymmetry of the musculature (e.g. more pronounced lower neck), equine exertional rhabdomyolysis
- tendon and ligament injuries, nerve injuries
- osteoarthritis, bone spavin, navicular disease, kissing spines
- back and neck problems or instability
- pulled muscles and torn muscle fibres
- chronic and subacute respiratory diseases
- ache symptoms
- after operations/ injuries or pit rest
- muscle growth
- release scar tissue
- complications with foaling
- to maintain health and reduce the risk of injury
- to maintain mobility in old horses